Quarz dry

Silica sand and quartz gravel

Quartz 0 - 16 mm was washed, classified and dried. Our silica sand and quartz gravel are supplied under the following trademarks:

Please look at the pictures of our products.



Available granulations - all data in mm

Silica Sand and quartz gravel

Silica Sand and quartz gravel

Available granulations - all data in mm

Brake sand

Brake sand

According to DB-Norm BN 918 224:

Available granulations - all data in mm

Foundry and Refractory industry

Foundry and Refractory industry

Available granulations - all data in mm

Aquarium gravel

Aquarium gravel

Available granulations - all data in mm

Parrot sand

Parrot sand

Available granulations - all data in mm

Golf course sand

Golf course sand

Available granulations - all data in mm

Other special granulations on request. Click on a red written granulation to enter the product data sheet.

More informations about granulations you'll find here: Golf course sand

Andrea  Berger

Disposition and Freight

+49 02362 - 2005-36
+49 02362 - 2005-99
direct inquiry
Carsten  Kindermann

Deputy Sales Manager

+49 02362 - 2005-31
+49 02362 - 2005-99
direct inquiry