0 - 63 mm damp

Silica sand and quartz gravel

Our silica sand and quartz gravel are mainly gained out of own sources. It is washed and exactly classified. Our customers have different requirements to the grading curves of our product. Thats 'why we offer different classified grain sizes. Depending on the application there are different terms for our products.

Please look at the pictures of our products.

Silica Sand and quartz gravel

Silica Sand and quartz gravel

Available granulations - all data in mm

Other special granulations on request. Click on a red written granulation to enter the product data sheet.

Riding area sand

Riding area sand

Available granulations - all data in mm

Other special granulations on request. Click on a red written granulation to enter the product data sheet.

More informations about granulations you'll find here: Riding area sand

Golf course sand

Golf course sand

Available granulations - all data in mm

Other special granulations on request. Click on a red written granulation to enter the product data sheet.

More informations about granulations you'll find here: Golf course sand

Our silica sand and quartz gravel are supplied according to the application under the following names:

Andrea  Berger

Disposition and Freight

+49 02362 - 2005-36
+49 02362 - 2005-99
direct inquiry